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Endangered Animals Poster Kids

Endangered Animals Poster Kids



Interesting animal facts can help open your child's mind to the wonders of the animal world without visiting a zoo or buying a pet. Many children are fascinated by animals, both large and small, and will eagerly learn about lions, tigers, bears, dogs, cats and everything in between.

Killer whales
Orcas, also called "killer whales," are not actually members of the whale family at all. They are the largest dolphins in the animal kingdom, sometimes reaching up to 20 feet in length. They are also not nearly as violent as their nickname implies; they are often trained for shows and have formed strong bonds with humans. Dolphins also sleep very strangely, only closing one eye because half of their brain is awake, telling them when they need to surface to breathe.

American crocodiles
This beast lives mostly in Central and South America. A relatively small population resides in Florida, but they prefer more tropical climes. The American crocodile is also one of the largest species, reaching lengths of up to 20 feet. In recent years, Florida crocodiles have become a danger to both people and small pets, often leaving their waterside homes in search of food.

Komodo dragon
The world's largest lizard, the Komodo dragon can be up to 10 feet long. They might be big, but they don't wrestle their prey to the ground. Instead, they administer a small bite that infects their prey with the toxins in their saliva. They then track their victims for several days until the other animal dies from the poison.

Coyotes are members of the dog family and love to play in the water. They are excellent swimmers and have frequently migrated to islands, and even new countries, by way of water. This is also an easy way in which they can escape predators and cool down in the summer. Coyotes can also harmonize, which is what you hear at night. They have strong voices that carry for many miles, and they use those voices to communicate fear, anger or playfulness.

Another of the most interesting animal facts is that cows have four stomachs, each of which serves a very particular purpose. The final stomach, called the abomasum, is the most similar to a human stomach. It is also interesting to note that cows are grazing animals, often spending 8 to 10 hours per day nibbling at grass, but have no front teeth in their upper jaw. This facilitates quick ingestion of grass.

If you are hungry for more interesting animal facts for kids, there are plenty of resources available online and at your local library. National Geographic has published several volumes about animals for children, and many zoo Web sites offer photographs and interesting tidbits that kids can use to fuel their imaginations.

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Endangered Animals Poster Kids

Source: https://www.womansday.com/life/pet-care/a3903/trivia-for-kids-interesting-animal-facts-78077/

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